
Telehealth Systems from MedRx

  • Hearing Screened in Minutes
  • Review Test Results Remotely
  • Perform Telehealth out of the box
  • All in one kit – mix & match products
  • Easy to use and easy to setup
  • Mobile / Flexible
  • Standout from other clinics
  • Instant access to satellite clinics
  • YHN Telehealth Compatible

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  • telehealth-wall-unit

    Wall Unit

    Live Telehealth System

    This option features the AVANT ARC and the MedRx Video Otoscope. Mix & match MedRx products.

  • telehealth-booth-2-1

    Booth Set-Up

    Live Telehealth System

    This option features an easy to set-up Telehealth system using your existing booth. Mix & match MedRx products.


  • How is Telehealth different from standard audiology with MedRx equipment?

    There is no difference in the testing. You are controlling the MedRx equipment remotely with specialized software.

    Is Telehealth HIPAA compliant?

    Telehealth can be HIPAA compliant when the correct tools are used. Teleconferencing software and scheduling software will need to be HIPAA compliant and have the proper Business Associate Agreement. There may also be telehealth consent forms the patient will need to complete.

    Is there any special equipment needed to make MedRx Equipment Telehealth ready?

    At MedRx, we have completed many telehealth setups and can evaluate each customer’s setup to determine requirements.

    Can I add Telehealth to my existing MedRx Equipment?

    Most MedRx equipment can perform Telehealth. We can perform an equipment analysis if needed.

    Will the patient have to put the headphones/bone conductor on themselves?

    This depends of the type of telehealth performed. We would recommend contacting MedRx for details on the various telehealth options.

  • What type of software do I need to perform Telehealth?

    You will need a Video Conferencing Software that allows remote control of a computer. MedRx recommends using Zoom Video Conferencing when setting up a Telehealth System.

    Is Tele-audiology hard to setup?

    No. If you decide to order a specific Telehealth setup from MedRx it will come with a complete set-up guide for Telehealth. Our technical support or local distributors can help with installation.

    Are there any laws regulating Telehealth?

    Laws vary by state and country. Contact your local authorities or MedRx representative for additional support or resources.

    Do I need a specific computer to perform Telehealth?

    There is not a specific computer requirement but we do recommend following our MedRx Recommended Computer Requirements. 

    Will the patient be able to see me and vice versa?

    Yes! If you purchase the MedRx Live Telehealth System it will come with web cameras that will be set up so you will be able to both see and communicate with your patient in the remote location.

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